Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13

As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry you;
as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. Isaiah 62:5

Thank you to EVERYONE who made the Live Nativity such a huge success! I've heard some great stories already (I love the one about Kevin's Clydesdale sticking his head into the Lexus and then sneezing on the leather seats - and the driver!) i'm sure you have more spiritual stories to tell.  Please share your experiences with all of us in the comments section below. Then check back throughout the week to share in the testimony of God's Spirit at work.

Last week we ran a Facebook ad for the first time ever. The ad was announcing the opening of our Hampstead campus and was targeted to people who lived within a 3 mile radius of NCHS. It was really well received and as of tonight over 150 people have clicked on the ad to visit our website or our Facebook page. This week we are going to run another ad highlighting our Christmas Eve service in Hampstead. you can multiply the effectiveness of our ad by clicking here  and indicating you are going. 

With just over 2 weeks left in December we have the opportunity to lead by example for our congregation. I do not have any results from today but I at the end of last week we had 151 givers to the NEXT offering. Yay God! That number includes about half of our staff and leadership teams. For those of you who have given, THANK YOU! If you have not yet given would you consider participating this week? I'd love for us to lead by example - regardless of the amount - and have 100% of our staff and leadership participating. 


  1. Jen and I were on our way back from the airport with my parents on Saturday night at around 8:30 PM and there were still tons of people in line to see the Live Nativity. We talked about how cool it is to be able to give the community an opportunity to experience the story of Christmas. It's great stuff!

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  3. This weeks sermon really touched my heart. I can't get the image of Hosea buying back his wife out of my mind. I also keep hearing the words "who does that?!". It truly makes me feel so incredibly loved when I think of how many times my God has done that for me. You spoke powerful words to me this week Reid.

  4. Ran into a lady at Walmart this morning who attends Crossroads but hadn't been in a while. She felt prompted to go Sunday and couldn't even express how significant the message was to her. She said she was just crying and crying. Great message! Also, two non-crossroads people we know from up here in Manchester went to live nativity and talked about how it was such a great discussion started for their families!! God is doing some great, life changing stuff!!

  5. It is always good to see when God uses people right in the bullseye of their giftedness. Stan, Tom and the boys putting up Live Nativity was awesome to see!! So thankful for them. And then Richard doing lights and the Christmas decoration ladies doing their thing.

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