Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baptism Sunday April 25

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Mt. 28:19

What a fantastic celebration this morning!  It is such a privilege to witness the life-changing faith in the lives of people we know and humbling to think that God has used us as part of the process.  Thank you everyone who played a role in making this morning happen!

There are so many God moments to share from this morning.  Here are a few... PLEASE share the stories from folks you know who were baptized today in the COMMENTS section so we can rejoice together!

- I got to hear the back story from Chris Howard tonight of how God had been working through so many different relationships and encounters all week.  Chris had been texting and talking with Don Dorsey about getting baptized and ended up feeling called himself to proclaim his own faith (along side Don!)  He even ran into Matt Michael in the changing room that encouraged both of them!  Way to go fellas!

- Billie Ward was someone who knew my Mom from Westminster Methodist church and could really relate to her story.  Billie has served our body in so many ways and today God prompted her to be baptized.  She really believes God is not finished with her yet!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19

fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

I had a different perspective today...not from the stage!  Here's where I saw God at work; 
(Please add your Amen moments in the comments section)

- I had some great conversations with men who are nominated for leadership this year.  I am encouraged by the way God continues to build our team.  I don't claim to know how God will lead these men through the confirmation process but they are already partners in the Gospel and ints a privilege to serve together.

- Perhaps the most impactful moment for me came in a car ride after the last service.  Elizabeth's Mom made it to the 11:30 service but her Dad, who was staying with us for the weekend did not feel up to coming.  So her Mom asked if we could listen to the Easter message on while we drove them back to Rockville.  After listening to the message her Dad began asking all sorts of questions about the resurrection and having faith in Christ.  We ended up praying together before we dropped them off.  God is always at work!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name Mt. 6:9

Thanks to everyone who made this Sunday a success for so many people.  Here are a few stories of how I saw God at work today.  Please share your won stories in the comments section!

- I had several people come up after each service who wanted to talk about the prayers that God had not answered in their lives.  Many of them had never been able to express their frustration or questions about prayer with anyone.  The conversation was an opportunity for God to work!

- I heard discussions about both care workshops coming up in the next 2 weeks. Caring for aging parents seemed to strike a chord with many people and the encouragement to pray was received with enthusiasm by many.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Weekend

Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5

What a fantastic celebration of the resurrection!  To everyone on the team a huge thank you for whatever role you played.  This was a total team effort.  Well done good and faithful servants!

Here are some highlights from the weekend (please add your own in the comment section!!)

- The constant stream of people who came to the stations of the cross on Good Friday all left with a profound experience of the Lord in prayer.  The station on vulnerability really ministered to a young couple who had just lost a baby through miscarriage last month.  People connected with God in so many authentic ways when we just allowed the space for it to happen.

- I met numerous people who had first time guests with them today.  Some were family and others who friends or co-workers.  I know one guest was the result of several years of invitations and more than 10 years of prayer. 

- I saw some friends who have moved away but who were back for the holidays and they each expressed how there's no place like Crossroads for them.  Even those who have found great churches wherever they are still call Crossroads home and say it feels like home whenever they come back!