Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12

Then Jesus said to them,"The son of man is Lord of the Sabbath." Luke 6:5

Bluegrass and Sabbath just seemed to go together! What a cool morning to see God at work in so many new faces. I think for me that was the blessing of this morning. From the 2 new faces in the bluegrass group with Kenny to the 4 or 5 first time visitors I spoke with God continues to bring new people in our doors. With so many of our regulars not here this morning it was so cool to see the sanctuary packed at 10am. 
Thanks to all of you we get to witness our God doing immeasurably more than we could ask or even imagine! Please share you experiences in the comments below. (Someone please share the story of the playground equipment going to Appalachia)

1 comment:

  1. I only have cursory knowledge of it all but in summary, as I understand it all:
    - Nottingham just happened to be present when the county decided to drop the insurance on the Pleasant Valley Fire Dept playground, hence it needed to go somewhere
    - Nottingham worked with a buddy that was a member of the PVFD and the dept decided to give it to the guy who in turn gave it to us
    - We bought land and shack in Gary bottom to put it on, and demolished the shack to make way
    - Tom Stone enters picture, has guy from Helping Up who used to work for the playground manufacturer installing these things (this is a very big deal)
    - Team dismantles the playground and overcomes high compression concrete at last minute to get it on a truck bound for Gary
    - Driver comes off his normal driving rotation for the week, showers, and drives truck to Gary (if you know the hours these guys do, this was a BIG deal too)
    - Neighbors say they don't want kids in Gary Bottom, so new property becomes a park with benches and playground goes to church we've bought

    Don't have an update yet on how the installation is going (or if it is done), but God met us in a lot of places on this trip!

    Praise Him...
