Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

"I saw flat Reid earlier today..." This one of the comments I heard from someone in the Chipotle parking lot today. As I was at Westminster at 8am and Hampstead at 9:30 and 11:00 it was a really powerful picture of the way God is at work!

Thank you to all of those who led groups and participated at both campuses today. Please share your stories of how you saw God at work in the comments section below.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret... 2 Cor 10:7

Such a powerful opportunity this morning to share in the process of  people turning back to God! Thank you for playing your part.  Whether you were on stage, in the warehouse, in the cafeteria or not even in either building you should know we could not do what we do each Sunday without YOU!

I had several leaders tell me about new people who were coming for the first time this morning, especially in Hampstead.  I was excited during the message to picture them sitting in the auditorium.

One conversation I had this morning after the 9:30 service was with the Mother of a single Mom who has been coming off and on for several months. She wanted her Mother to meet me and Elizabeth (probably mostly Elizabeth). The Mother shared how she had lost both of her parents and an uncle in the past 6 months.  Then she said I really needed to be here this morning and hear I can turn to God. Amen!

PLEASE share your experiences below in the comments section. And don't forget to check back during the week to read other comments.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11

For this Son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. Luke 15:24

The initial reports from our first official second campus Sunday were great! Attendance was 234 in Hampstead- about 100 more than last week.  As we continue to serve and reach out to that community God is going before us beside us and behind us. 

Two stories from this week;

Today after the 11:00 service in Westminster a woman who I do not know cane up to me and almost in passing said, "I am so lost!" to which I replied, "You're in the right place.  You can find your way back." She said thank you and went on her way.  I believe her words reflect many folks who were with us for the first time today!

My Capernaum Selfie
Tuesday I had the opportunity to serve with Elizabeth at the Capernaum Club.  The talk was focussed on Ephesians 2 and how we are God's masterpiece.  During the message Elizabeth has a picture frame that she allowed several students to put their face in while saying "I am God's Masterpiece." The scene of these twisted faces and garbles voices speaking and illustrating this truth was about as powerful an expression of the Gospel as I've ever seen!

PLEASE share your stories below!!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 4

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

Life change happens in so many ways around our community.  From conversations at a wedding yesterday to new members classes to discipleship groups to planning a funeral - all of which happened in the last 24 hours.  Oh yeah, and then there were 4 services at 2 locations.
I know sometimes the scope of our ministry can begin to feel overwhelming.  But let me encourage you instead to focus on the privilege it is to be included by God in something so much bigger than we could ask or even imagine. Please share your experiences with everyone below!

A couple of "family business" items for your attention.

The Belt family is mourning the loss of Jays mom. Betty Jean Belt, passed away October 3rd.
Arrangements are:
Tuesday:  viewing at Eline Funeral Home, Reisterstown, 3-5 and 7-9
Wednesday: funeral at Elines in Reisterstown, 1pm

Joe and Camden Belinko are running the Baltimore Half Marathon to honor Janice and Diane Hidey (Karen Belinko's sisters) who are both battling cancer. We want to pray for them and to support them in their efforts go here

Our new Website is now live!