Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 4

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

Life change happens in so many ways around our community.  From conversations at a wedding yesterday to new members classes to discipleship groups to planning a funeral - all of which happened in the last 24 hours.  Oh yeah, and then there were 4 services at 2 locations.
I know sometimes the scope of our ministry can begin to feel overwhelming.  But let me encourage you instead to focus on the privilege it is to be included by God in something so much bigger than we could ask or even imagine. Please share your experiences with everyone below!

A couple of "family business" items for your attention.

The Belt family is mourning the loss of Jays mom. Betty Jean Belt, passed away October 3rd.
Arrangements are:
Tuesday:  viewing at Eline Funeral Home, Reisterstown, 3-5 and 7-9
Wednesday: funeral at Elines in Reisterstown, 1pm

Joe and Camden Belinko are running the Baltimore Half Marathon to honor Janice and Diane Hidey (Karen Belinko's sisters) who are both battling cancer. We want to pray for them and to support them in their efforts go here

Our new Website is now live!


  1. Monday was an overwhelming day for me, if I'm honest, trying to balance family life and ministry. I had just gotten Jake off to school and just 2 1/2 hours later, Juls and Abby were needing rides and cars and stuff moms provide. In the midst of the chaos, a Care Night leader canceled due to illness. I so appreciated Ann and Bruce Mock covering for the cancellation and their simple words validating the full plate that is my life right now. After spending just a few minutes with them, I left feeling encouraged and not so alone in the challenges of a ministry focused on "the saving of many lives"...So thankful for a good God who has my back through family!

  2. I was able to stop by the Hampstead campus on Sunday, which was really neat. It was great to see the Body of Christ worshiping together despite the distance. Our celebration of my grandmother's life was a blessing. Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for my family, especially my grandfather who is without my grandmother for the first time in 65 years.
