Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27

Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." John 5:8

One down and who knows how many more to go!  A huge thank you to EVERYONE who made the North Carroll High School service happen today.  I obviously wasn't there so I'm counting on those of you who were to share stories of how each of you saw God at work in our first dress rehearsal.

I have 2 brief stories from Westminster...

- We had a little staff get together last night at Hoffman's Ice Cream and I noticed the gal who was taking our orders (like 30 of them!) was acting like she knew us. It turns out that she just started coming to Crossroads a few weeks ago and this morning she ended up in my communion line! I felt like I should offer her sprinkles - but I refrained.

- I heard another story this morning about someone who was having a conversation where the other person shared "I think its just too late!" Well you can imagine how directly it applied to our current series.  So they invited them and they came for the first time today!

PLEASE share your stories in the comments below!


  1. Hampstead campus had a lot of energy for worship and the message on screen was well received. More than anything else though was the joy of those who served. I really believe that lifechange happens when serving, and so the Lord is doing a great work!! Thanks to all who were a part of it!!

  2. There was so much excitement and anticipation at hampstead today! I loved seeing our church family pull together and step out in faith. Thank you for all you do!!

  3. Today I met with a mom of two is facing a tough week. Her husband is leaving and her two young children will hear that news this week. After a few emails today, our Monday night Parenting and Care for Kids leaders are ready to wrap their arms around this family tomorrow night, overriding our registration deadlines. So thankful Jesus is still healing the broken-hearted, offering hope, and so excited we are expanding His territory to do so. Please keep this family in your prayers.

  4. To reiterate...All of the volunteers in Hampstead were so helpful and willing to do whatever it took to make it all work. The excitement in everyone was so evident. I truly felt like we were a part of an historic day in the life of not just our church, but THE church! To God be the glory!!! Additionally, the volunteers in Westminster were just as helpful, filling in the holes that were left vacant by the Hampstead folks. Many thanks to all!

  5. 252 in Westminster at the 9:30 service was great even though some of our people have moved over to Hampstead. There was great energy from all the volunteers and the kids really participated. It was great in large group to see kids of all age groups understanding who Nehemiah was and why he was important to us.

    Jay Belt
