Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph 2:8-10

Wow! There were so many different elements to todays services it was hard to focus on just one... Here are some ways I saw God at work.  Please share your own observation in the comments section.

- Roger was a real blessing to have with us all morning.  He is someone who just drips with passion for people to know Jesus.  I was challenged listening to him!

- The baptisms at the 10 O'clock service made the timing a challenge but was such a great opportunity to serve a family and model our commitment to young families.  Ashley and Justin were blessed.

- While the Contestibles served our volunteers their daughter was visiting with a friend who is a spiritual seeker.  Jenna shared with me how the combination of Roger's story with the scripture from Ephesians was just what her friend needed to hear.  But it was the Be the Church Blitz that made him take notice that we did not just talk about faith.  Very cool!


  1. We watched the service using Livestream while on our vacation. What a blessing not to miss out on what God is doing!

  2. The Family of God! Roger's comments about his family and friends in his Nicaragua village being one with our Crossroads family hit home to me. Just this past Saturday we celebrated my grandmother's lifelong influence on friends and family during her Memorial Service. Like the Nottinghams, the Shillings offered the opportunity for memorial contributions to be sent to Crossroads Community Church. Both LaVerne and Ruby had such a heart for the work of Crossroads, for the desire to give back to our local community and even to the ends of the earth. I am sure that from her new seat in the heavenlies, Mommom loved seeing good works blessing her family members in Nicaragua.

  3. Kristen's call to worship was beautiful and I'm sure it was encouraging to many people. Love the new song! It was also inspiring to hear Roger's testimony. Wow, no excuses for us, I guess!!!

  4. Hampstead week 3 was encouraging. What a great core of folks for the Lord to use in that community. Loved what Roger got to contribute, and can't wait for Tito this week!
