Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31 - Blitz Weekend

Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. John 13:1

So many great things happen when we put our faith into action.  So many blessed on both sides of the equation this weekend at the Blitz and at the Sunday services.  PLEASE share your experiences so that we can celebrate together.

Mark Batterson writes, "Hearing a testimony is the way I borrow faith from others.  Sharing my testimony is the way I loan my faith to others.  If we aren't sharing testimonies, we're cutting off circulation to the body of Christ."

Share yours in the comments below!


  1. I was able to support Rob and Leigh Bay's team as they did TREMENDOUS work to help a single woman (who clearly struggles with hoarding) clear and tend to her massive yard. I talked with the woman - Carol - who sat amazed on the step as the team began to pack up to leave. She said "This is just such an overwhelming job I haven't even tried to do it on my own for years. Now I feel like I can breathe." She was grinning ear to ear. The best part though was to see the transformation in not only the yard (which was INCREDIBLE) but her demeanor as the team asked her input, regularly deflected to her opinions, spoke tenderly to her - as I was leaving it was so heartwarming to see her gently patting some mulch on newly-planted flowers, obviously feeling a capability and pride that hadn't existed before. The Bay's team restored her dignity so much more than just her yard! It was beautiful

  2. Mark Mohlmann. Morning to night, he was painting NESAP with such an amazing heart. Of course Brad and Paul, leading the painting project. Tremendous. Cabral and Contes going hard after it. Can't list everyone, so I'll leave it there, but just WOW on Saturday!!

  3. The questions guyMay 31, 2015 at 6:54 PM

    Did I see the Body of Christ showering gifts upon the people of Hampstead Saturday afternoon with no other agenda then to show Love?

  4. Hello!

    While we were not able to participate in the Blitz, we do have a testimony to share from today's service!! I had the privilege of praying with my neighbor to receive Christ at the 8:30 service! We have gotten to know her because our daughters are friends and we have had the opportunity to bring her daughter to church with us a few times over the course of the year. After the Young Life testimonies and Reid's message, I had the opportunity to pray with her during communion, and then we took communion together! Such an amazing privilege. To God be all the glory!!

    Her name is Hope. :)

    Please pray that God would continue to work in her life, to grow her faith, and also to bring her fiancé (Tom) to faith in Jesus. And pray that she will come to YL family camp with us!

    So thankful we have a place like Crossroads to invite friends and know they will hear the clear message of the gospel each week.

    AMEN Crossroads!
    Craig & Carrie

  5. Our team had a great time at the Blitz! We were able to serve a woman named Edith who, after being put on the Be the Church project list, broke her hip. Our team did a great job of cleaning up and mulching her gardens as well as trimming the bushes around her yard. It was really cool to serve the Lord together as a team despite barely knowing each other before the event. It is a true blessing to see how the Body of Christ rallies together around a common desire to advance the Kingdom of God. I thought Sunday's message was a great follow up to the Blitz. I am excited to see what God does with it all!

  6. I was with a team of folks working at the home of Fran, a lady who is unable to care for her large property. We were blessed by being able to cut grass, mulch flower beds and tidy up around her home and property. Her home is for sale now and we hope this will be of some help to her.

    The projects on Saturday are but one example of what the Body of Christ can accomplish when we focus on those outside the walls of our church building. I am so blessed and thankful to be putting our faith into action and doing what Jesus did, reaching out to those in our community. This is what defines Crossroads as a body of believers.

  7. I have not fully processed the gifts, joy and movement of God in the Capernaum ministry and the Prom Blitz. I got to see a goal/vision/dream on paper come to life last night. The idea- extend God's love and invitation to eternal life to our Capernaum members and guests in an all out, red carpet, Hollywood themed event. This night could not have happened without the servant's hands and feet of Christ - our regular Capernaum volunteers, guest volunteers, Young Life high school kids, people showing up as a result of Sunday's service. I won't get into all the details (you can check out #crossroadsprom2015 #capernaumprom2015 for pictures and stories) but I was undone by our welcome. One of our volunteer leaders, Troy Cole, got a limo. As our guests arrived, a limo ride awaited for the grand entrance. Exiting the limo, each guest was greeted outside and brought to the main entrance. A crowd of cheering fans/paparazzi flanked the red carpet in the foyer, awaiting the guests' arrival. Each guest was introduced by name (by a new volunteer, Mike, who came as a result of the message on Sunday) in an official greeting..."ladies and gentlemen, may I present Princess Riley!" The volunteers cheered as each guest walked through the red carpet to the grand ballroom. The look of surprise, joy, pride, self worth, value, excitement was priceless. And powerful. Ordained. It reminded me of heaven. "I will call you by name." Our friends with special needs were our stars, treated like celebrities. For many, that was their first prom and first time being recognized. In that moment, all was right in the world. Christ was there calling each of us by name. Cheering us on. I experienced the gospel. I witnessed redemption. Amen, Crossroads!
