Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 23

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.  1 John 3:18

What a big weekend... Thank you to EVERYONE who played a part on making it happen. Please share your experiences from the Ho Down and Group Link with everyone below!

Here's part of a letter I received a few weeks ago.  It is from someone who is currently incarcerated but whose family began coming and continues to attend.  Here's part of what he wrote...
     "The church sent Marc Cummins. He became such a friend. We prayed every morning and evening. Marc became a life saver!  When I was at the bottom of my life, there was a voice that said 'you are in the right place' (that voice was Bill Barton). Thank you so much for opening your doors to me and my family."


  1. Jen and I enjoyed the hoedown. There were a ton of familiar and unfamiliar faces, which was neat. It was also really neat to see so many people come together to make it happen. I thought Sunday morning was a great time as well. Jen brought a friend from work who is not a believer. She really enjoyed the service and felt very welcome. She said that she could really relate to the message.

  2. Debbie and I had to opportunity to interact with a number of folks at the Hoedown we had not met. This was a fun event that had a good impact. On another note, I am relieved that I finally got proper instruction on how to hug a Vampire. This was something that troubled me for some time… Seriously though, I could not have paid for better biblical teaching on loving others like Jesus did, than what was delivered by our leaders. Each weekend I see new folks from every walk of life looking for community, connection and meaning. What a blessing it is to be part of a body of believers striving together to do what Jesus did. Its Monday… time to “do something.”

  3. I tried to say Hi to those I didn't know, some went to Crossroads but a few were from the community in Hampstead. One girl I talked to said that she was so excited to see us come to Hampstead and that she and her husband are looking forward to attending when we are open. I told her about starting at North Carroll High and she seemed excited about that. It was a perfect day for a fun time outside and everyone was "getting down" inside!! Pepper Armacost
