Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Luke 15:20

At the end of a week where we were without power for 2 days the Spirit's power was unmistakably present this morning! As people at each service in Westminster walked up and placed the broken pieces into the pot I could just see the love of the Father becoming more real to each of them. 

Here are a couple of stories...

A young man named Andrew came up after the service and told me he and his wife had moved back to Westminster specifically to reach out to her family who were not Christ followers. He shared through tears how his Father in law had come this morning for the first time!

Gary Hibbs shared with me how the Starting Point topic for this morning was brokenness.  We couldn't have planned that any better if we tried- which we didn't! I love it when God takes our plans and weaves them together better than we could have ever hoped. 

PLEASE share your stories!


  1. It was cool to be part of the prayer class today and to see how God is moving in it!

  2. Jen and I had the opportunity to pray with someone who would like to be baptized next week. She said she was baptized as a child, but would now like to be baptized as a Christ Follower. Good stuff!
